Fast Executive Search

– an alternative to Headhunting a fast, effective and safe solution without having to wait several months

A combination of Interim and Search

Nextt Management offers Fast Executive Search in situations where the client wishes to hire an experienced manager, but cannot wait 4,6 or 8 months, which otherwise is a normal timeframe for traditional recruitment.

Nextt Management’s work is flexible and dynamic, and has a resourcebase of pre-qualified interim managers who are prepared to take on the assignment that is a combination of both interim and a permanent hire.

The quality and speed of this service is ensured through a simple and efficient process with Nextt Managements resource database as a starting point. This database of resources has been compiled by Nextt Management since 2003. The database is built on search engines that complement the resource-base which is comparable to the offerings of a normal recruitment firm. Finally, Nextt Management is able to offer global services through our international partnership with Interim Management Worldwide.

The combination of these three activities are unique and not offered by others in the market. The unique combination ensures that our clients are given the fastest and efficient recruitment process with the highest quality – to a transparent and competitive price.

Nextt Management contributes with professional and efficient handling of quick recruitment at a senior executive level, where discretion and confidentiality are mandatory. With unique business acumen, rich managerial experience and strategic orientation, Nextt Management is able to challenge businesses with professional overview of their intial considerations.

What you can expect from Nextt Managment

  • Faster
    Presentation of qualified candidates within 10 working days
    Start within 10 days
    Experience since 2003 ensuring an effective process
    Resource database of pre-qualified candidates
  • Cheaper
    Fixed price for hiring on a C/CXO level
    30-40 % cheaper than regular headhunting
    No Result, No Pay
  • Thourough preliminary work
    Personality/IQ test*
  • Performance
    A contract regarding effort, goals and performance during the first 6 months
    Coordinated follow up meetings in the beginning of the interim period
    Status meetings

*It can be agreed individually, whether the client wishes for their own personality/IQ test or a test via Nextt Management

No Result, No Pay

The final contract drafted for each specific assignment, includes not only the search process, but also a total remuneration. In this way there will be no additional fees, neither during nor after the process.  The final contract also describes Nextt Management’s Fast Executive Search guarantee, No Result, No Pay, which means that we naturally and without charge carry out a new assignment if the employment relationship ends within for example 6 months.

Fast Executive Search offers

  • An introductory dialogue about the actual needs of your business
  • Agreement on the plan of action and process
  • Candidate profile – personal and professional competencies
  • Time schedule and plan of action – agreement on persons involved
  • A draft as a “Teaser” to the interim managers in the candidate database
  • Networking and use of digital media
  • Continous status report and updates
  • Confidential evaluation of short listed candidates
  • Presentation of suitable candidates
  • List of references

…services offered at a fixed and competitive price

Are you in need of international solutions?

Nextt Management is in collaboration with eminent Interim Management firms across the globe. This allows for unique opportunity to tap into professional competencies and many years of experience within Interim Management and Fast Executive Search. By virtue of a well-developed international collaboration – SeniorManagementWorldwide – Nextt Management operates far beyond its country’s borders. Meet our international partners from all over the globe here.